GCSE Options


Year 9 students confirm their Options choices (the optional subjects they will continue to study) for Key Stage 4 in the Spring Term.

Students will continue to study a number of compulsory subjects in Years 10 and 11: English Language; English Literature, Maths, Religious Studies, Sciences and PE/Games.

There are a wide range of option subjects to choose from, including Art, Modern Foreign Languages, Humanities and Design Technology; a full list can be found in the accompanying booklet.

‘Pathways’ are recommended for students based upon performance, progress and teacher recommendations; these are designed to support all in gaining the very most from their studies and helping to provide them with the best possible opportunities at the end of Key Stage 4 and beyond.

In order to further support students in making the correct, informed decisions at the end of Key Stage 3 we hold a number of events which provide opportunities for students, and parents, to gain a greater understanding of the process and what is on offer in Key Stage 4.

These opportunities include:

  • All Year 9 Form Groups involved in a research and planning session to look at future career opportunities and pathways
  • A full presentation explaining the process, their available choices and the importance of the decisions
  • A full morning’s ‘Carousel’ where students are given to opportunity to listen to presentations on what each subject offers at Key Stage 4
  • An opportunity for all Year 9 students to be involved in a trial run of the selection of their options to support their full understanding of the Options process
  • A dedicated Parents’ Options Evening which explains the process in detail and supports a clearer understanding of how choices and decisions should be made
  • Year 9 Parents Evening when discussions regarding preferred and potential option choices can be made with individual subject specialists
  • An independent Careers Advisor who can discuss future options at both Post-16 and Post-18