HGSA Plant Sale

Hutton Grammar School Association -
Plant Sale

Saturday 18 th May 2024

We will be holding our annual Plant Sale on Saturday 18th May from 12 noon – 3pm and Newgate Nurseries will again be our supplier. All the plants are of top quality and are being sold at very competitive prices.

Hanging basket refills are also available. If you require these, please leave your empty hanging basket labelled with your name at the school office along with your order. The last day for ordering these is Friday 3rd May. There is also a wide variety of vegetable plants and strawberries available.
Order forms can be found below and should be returned to school by Friday 10 th May, unless you require a hanging basket, in which case you need to return your order form to school no later than Friday 3rd May, as these are planted to order. Please could you pay for all plants WITH your

All orders of plants will be ready for collection on Saturday 18th May between 12 noon and 3pm. There will also be a large selection of bedding and basket plants available to purchase on the day. There will also be refreshments and a tombola.

In the event of any queries, please contact the school office (Tel: 01772 613112).

Many thanks for your support. We look forward to seeing you on the day.

HGSA Committee

Plant Sale Order Form