
Bus Services

Details of the times and providers for school bus services can be found on the attached document below.

In addition to these services, the school operates a bus service through Croston and Bretherton. For more information about this service please contact the school directly.

For more information about school buses, contact the School Traveline on 0871 200 2233.


Safer Travel

The school works closely with the Safer Travel team to ensure appropriate behavior and safety on school bus services. If you or your child is concerned about any anti-social behaviour on a school bus, please report the incident to the Safer Travel Team. Their number is 0845 053 0040.


Transport Assistance

Some students may be eligible to apply for assistance with transport costs if they are in receipt of free school meals or if they have been admitted under our denominational criteria. If you think you may be eligible for assistance but are unsure, you should contact the Pupil Access Team at Lancashire County Council. 


Lancashire County Council School Transport Information