Mental Health and Wellbeing
At Hutton, we place a strong emphasis on supporting our pupils' mental health and ensuring that their individual needs are met. Mr. Livingstone, our Assistant Head, leads our efforts in pupil wellbeing and collaborates with external agencies to provide a comprehensive range of support services within the school. If your child is struggling, we urge parents to contact the school as early as possible to ensure we can put appropriate support in place for pupils who need it.
Who should I contact?
In the first instance, we recommend that parents contact their child's form tutor to address any concerns. This can be done via a Synergy message or by calling the school. Form tutors will take the lead in supporting pupils where appropriate and necessary. If further assistance is required, Mr. Livingstone or the Head of Year will coordinate additional support, either through the Pastoral Hub or by arranging a meeting with one of the external agencies that work with the school.
The Pastoral Hub
The Pastoral Hub is designed to support pupils within the school and is managed by Mrs. Margerison. Pupils can access this space on a short-term basis, such as when settling into school or recovering from absence or injury. Additionally, some pupils may benefit from regular "check-ins" with Mrs. Margerison throughout their time with us, offering them a friendly person to talk to whenever they need support.
Snack and Chat
For pupils who prefer a quieter environment during break and lunchtime, snack and chat provides a peaceful space. This area is staffed by Teaching Assistants and the SENDCO and provides a calm atmosphere for those who may benefit from it.
Compass Bloom
Compass Bloom offers a free confidential service to support children and young people. If you are worried about your child experiencing one or more of the following, we can help -
- Feeling worried
- Struggling to sleep
- Withdrawing from family, friends or usual activities
- Struggling to concentrate
- Feeling tearful
Parents can make a referal by completing the Parent/Carer Consultation Request here
School Nurse Service
The School Nurse offers face-to-face drop-in sessions once a month, taking place on the first Thursday of each month. Their role is to provide guidance on health promotion and address any health-related issues. Year 9 students will be offered a school health needs assessment to identify any additional needs or health concerns that may require our support or appropriate referral to other services.