Pastoral Care at Hutton
The pastoral care of our pupils and students is paramount. We believe that children who flourish and feel safe will succeed. Therefore, we are committed to creating a community which reflects our core value of Koinonia and follows the teaching of our foundation scripture:
“In your relationship with one another have the same mindset as Christ Jesus”
Philippians 2
Hutton is a Christian school which offers an inclusive, calm and safe environment that encourages and rewards all pupils and students; an environment which allows all our pupils and students to thrive. We believe that each pupil is an individual created in the image of God, an individual of worth and we are committed to the development of the whole child.
In our ‘Pastoral Hub’ we can support pupils during difficult periods of their lives. We strongly encourage parents to communicate early with us if there are issues outside school which could affect a pupil inside school. Together we can work in partnership for the benefit of all our pupils and students.
For all pupils to have the opportunity to flourish we believe that good behaviour is crucial. When we deal with behavioural concerns we need to help pupils understand what they have done wrong and then give them every opportunity to improve. Our pastoral team is there to guide your child on this journey. Keeping Christ at the centre of all that we do; we work hard to promote mutual trust and respect so that we can work together, especially during difficult times. Our aim is to create a culture where we can recognise and celebrate each pupil as well as supporting those in need. In leading in this way we hope to live out the Christian message so that our pupils grow in their ability to understand and empathise with others.
The pastoral team’s work in school is vast and varied, and is concerned with all aspects of our pupils’ wellbeing. Pupils are encouraged to fulfill a wide variety of roles in school, with both senior and junior prefect roles playing an integral role in their development. Monitoring and mentoring is thorough and effective and our priority is always to ensure every pupil feels safe and valued in school. Our early help pathway ensures pupils receive support both in school and from outside agencies where appropriate.
At Hutton Church of England High School, our pastoral system is designed to ensure every child has the maximum opportunity to thrive. Pupils are encouraged, nurtured, and supported in all aspects of school life, providing an enjoyable, fulfilling and rewarding education, with Christ’s teaching at the centre.
The Team
The Pastoral team is led by Mr Christie, our Deputy Head. He is supported by Mr Livingstone who is our DSL and Designated Teacher.
Each pupil has a form teacher who is their main point of contact each morning. Wherever possible this form teacher will be with your child until the end of Y11. We value this important relationship. Each year group has a Head of Year who will lead them through your son’s entire time at Hutton.
In addition, we have a number of non teaching support staff who assist in caring and supporting all our pupils.
Head of Personal Development Mrs A Pilling
Director of Sixth Form - Mr J Hill
Assistant Director of Sixth Form - Mr O Hacking
Head of Year 11 - Miss K Macdiarmid
Head of Year 10 - Mr G Massey
Head of Year 9 - Mr L Waddell
Head of Year 8 - Mr B Hunter
Head of Year 7 - Mr R Davies
Pastoral Support Officer (Attendance and Behaviour) Mrs H Lang
SEND Support Officer - Ms V Kermode
Pastoral Support Mentor - Mrs L Margerison
Behaviour and Inclusion Officer - Mr I Goodwin
Clergy - Reverend Sam Crossley (and Governor)