SEND Provision
Hutton Church of England Grammar School is a committed Christian community which strives to ensure that we support, encourage and care for everyone within our community, whatever their ability or needs. Fostering strong relationship[s between home and school is essential in creating an environment where all our pupils and students can flourish.
Our Learning Support team comprises well qualified Teaching Assistants who have specialist knowledge of supporting pupils in English, Maths and Science as well as the wider curriculum. They work with individuals and small groups to provide bespoke support according to the pupils’ needs.
Our Literacy Co-ordinator identifies pupils who require support in their reading using NGRT data and this support is provided through targeted interventions including with our Reading Lead who works with all our pupils to develop reading skills, enabling them to become more independent learners in class as well as promoting a love of reading for pleasure.
In addition, we partner with a range of specialist teachers to provide advice and teaching support for the four areas of need that can be met within a mainstream school:
- Cognition and learning - general learning difficulties, dyslexia
- Communication and interaction - ASC, speech & language
- Social and emotional needs - includes ADHD
- Physical and other sensory needs - hearing impairment, visual impairment
Our range of support is outlined below
- Universal provision for all students through Quality First Teaching and reasonable adjustments for a range of SEND needs.
- Targeted provision for identified students who require additional interventions
- Interventions informed by Specialist Teachers, or Educational Psychologists and/or provision within Education, Health and Care Plan.
The Assistant SENDCO works with our pupils who need additional support in developing social communication skills.
Our pastoral TA, based in the pastoral hub, provides emotional support when needed and a safe space for the pupils during the school day.
For those of our pupils who prefer a quieter environment at break and lunchtimes, a quiet space is available, staffed by the TAs and SENDCO.
Details of our policy and provision for students with SEND can be downloaded below. If you have any queries regarding our provision, please contact our SENCO, Mrs Frost (
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