16-19 Bursary
16-19 Bursary Fund - 2023/24
Applications for our 2023/24 Bursary closed on 2nd October 2023, students will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application. Further applications will only be accepted after this date if there is a genuine change in circumstances or are from new students who have joined the Sixth Form.
Hutton Church of England Grammar School will endeavour to allocate the Bursary Fund in such a way as to support the most vulnerable young people to participate in and benefit from post-16 education. It is intended that recipients of a bursary use it to help pay for things such as meals, transport, books and equipment and other course-related costs.
The applicant is the student, not the parent, even though some eligibility criteria are based on parental income.
Any cheque reimbursements will be made at the end of each half term (6 per year) direct to the students, subject to them having met agreed standards for attendance, behaviour and work. They will need their own bank account, as payments will not be made in cash.
The eligibility criteria that will be applied in 2023-24 are as follows:
1. A bursary of £1,200 is available only to students who are:
- in care or a care leaver
- in receipt of income support or universal credit
- disabled and in receipt of Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance or Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payment
Eligibility for discretionary bursaries will be assessed under two categories:
2. You qualify for free school meals
3. Your total family income is up to £22,000
The amount allocated per individual in categories 2 and 3 will depend on the number of qualifying applications. Priority will be given to those in category 1.
A contingency fund will be kept to allow for applications arising from changes in students’ circumstances during the year.
Any questions about the 16-18 Bursary can be directed to the school business manager - bursar@huttongrammar.org