News & Events

  • Keep in Touch

    If you want to keep up to date with what's going on at Hutton, click here to find out more and follow us on social media.
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  • Welcome Service at St Andrews

    Our first week back after the summer ended with a lovely church service for our new year 7 and year 12 students. It was a fantastic celebration of all that is to come and it was great to spend it at our local church St Andrew's in Longton. The walk to and from the church may have been a little hot but cold drinks and cookies awaited back at school! Thank you for all the parents who were able to attend and to our volunteers who assisted with the journey to church.
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  • Old Huttonian Association

    The Association invites you to this year’s Reunion which will be held in the School Hall on Saturday 1st July 2023 at 7.00pm. The dinner will be preceded by a tour of the school at 5.30pm and the AGM at 6.00pm
    The Hog Roast will be provided by Cunliffes.
    Please book your place by Thursday 22nd June 2023
    Book here:
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  • Hutton Grammar Sporting Spotlight - Jan. to Feb. 2023

     View our sporting highlights for January and February 2023


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  • Andrew Tate – Tackling his influence.

    Andrew Tate – Tackling his influence. Further to recent media coverage, you may be aware of the Social Influencer Andrew Tate. Other media coverage this week has unveiled the extent to which Andrew Tate has become a role model for many young males and the significant concerns that this has presented to schools and society at large. As a school we responded to this concern in November and held open and honest conversations with all our pupils about Andrew Tate during Personal Development lessons.
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  • News & Correspondence

    Delighted to have awarded these fantastic young men with our 'Headteacher's Commendation'

    From representing England in curling to leading in extra curricular activities.  All have shown what it is to be a true Huttonian by living out our Hutton's Christian Values. Well done boys!

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    Its Ok To Talk 

    Andy's Man Club 

    Andy's Man Club is a suicide prevention charity which also strives to break down the stigma attached to mental illhealth in males and encourages men to talk about what is not going well for them. 

    This is a charity which supports men over the age of 18 but their website is still worth looking at if you are under 18. 

    If you have any concerns about any male over 18, then please let them know about Andy's Man Club information in the picture is for everyone to access. Please click on the image below
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