Attendance and Absence

If your child is going to be absent from school, please telephone the school on 01772 613112 and choose option 1 to leave a message on the attendance answerphone. Please make sure you tell us your child's full name, form and the reason for their absence. If we have not been notified of a reason for absence, we will send parents a text message asking them to contact us to provide the information. 

If your son has a medical appointment during school time please contact us in advance by School Synergy so that staff are aware what time students will be signing in and out.

If you need to request time off school for any other reason please complete the request for absence form, which can be downloaded below, and email it to Requests will be considered by Mrs Moran (the Headteacher) and you will be notified whether the absence will be authorised or not. 

Leave of Absence Request Form (PDF)

Leave of Absence Request Form (Word Document)


Changes to Penalty Notices

As of 19th August 2024, the Department of Education has implemented changes to penalty notices issed for unauthoroised absences during term time. Full details can be downloaded below -